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  • Writer's pictureGrace Bertram

Week 35

Happy Sunday!

Wowza! It has been such a beautiful weekend! The sun has been shining and the weather has been just gorgeous - just makes me want to be outside all day! Prayers that this weather will continue, stay, and we'll finally get the spring we've been anxiously waiting for!

Also, I wanted to thank everyone for all of the thanks and praise that I got this past week for Teacher Appreciation Week. It was truly wonderful, and made me feel so special. I couldn't be more blessed to be teaching in such an amazing school with such an amazing support system. I thank God everyday for the blessings he has given me. So, once again, thank you :)

Important Dates:

  • May 9th - Student Council meeting @7:05 a.m.

  • May 12th - Middle School Dance for 5th-8th Graders @ 6:30-9:00 p.m.

  • May 15-23rd - Book Talks/Trailers due

  • May 18th - All library books due back to the library

  • May 19th - Student Council Election videos due to me

  • May 26th - Student Council Elections

  • May 29th - No school

  • May 31st - Student Council Bowling @ Circle B after school

  • June 2nd - Last day of school

Last Week

6th Grade ~ Last week, the 6th graders continued reading The River by Gary Paulsen. We are about half way through the book already, and I cannot believe how excited these students always are when I say we are reading during class or with groups - truly an awesome class full of awesome readers :) Throughout the unit, we are continuing to study difficult vocabulary words and use the Marzano theory to define, quick draw, and make connections to the words we are discussing. We will most likely finish up the book within the next 2 weeks and then have a short comprehensive test on the book. In grammar, we started chapter 7, which is about helping verbs and normal/inverted word order.

7th Grade ~ Last week, the 7th graders spent Monday preparing for their first formal speeches. The rest of the week was devoted to presenting the formal speeches. I could NOT believe how amazing these first set of speeches were (the first ones are usually pretty rough; however these kids blew the assignment out of the water!), and cannot wait to see how the rest of the unit plays out. This coming week, we will begin Persuasive speeches and start selecting topics. In grammar, we started chapter 7, which is about helping verbs and normal/inverted word order.

8th Grade ~ Last week, the 8th graders were assigned list #12 of their Latin/Greek roots, and then took a quiz on them on Friday. We will probably have only 1 or 2 more lists the rest of this year because of other things that the 8th graders need to finish up with. On Wednesday in grammar, we started chapter 7, which is about helping verbs and normal/inverted word order. The rest of the week was completely devoted to working on writing rough drafts of the students' research papers. Reminder that rough drafts are due tomorrow (Monday, May 8th). This coming week, we will finish up our research papers, which includes peer editing, works cited pages, title pages, and making final revisions. The research paper final due dates are as follows:

  • Option #1: Friday, May 12th (10 extra credit points)

  • Option #2: Monday, May 15th (5 extra credit points)

  • Option #3: Friday, May 19th

6th/7th Grade ~ Just a reminder that we will begin presenting book talks/trailers in just a little over a week (Monday, May 15th).

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!


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