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  • Writer's pictureGrace Bertram

Week 6

Happy October!!

Boy, oh, boy am I excited that it's October! It's starting to feel like fall, the leaves are crunchy beneath our feet, the air is crisp and cool, and not to mention all the pumpkin-flavored treats out there. What a wonderful month :)

Important Events:

  • October 3rd - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

  • October 9th - 12th - Box Top Collection

  • October 12th - Box Top Clipping Party in Mrs. Valdez' room after school until 4 p.m.

  • October 13th - Feed My Starving Children food packing @ CUW

  • October 16th - Book Talks begin

  • October 23-27th- Red Ribbon Week

  • October 27th - End of 1st Quarter

  • October 27th - Reformation Faire

  • October 27th - Leaf Raking after school until 1:30 p.m.

Last Week

6th Grade ~ Last week, the 6th graders had a Monday Meditation. We then spent the rest of the week working on our second unit of Good Habits Great Readers (practicing reading strategies). We read a story about Mars and made predictions about what would happen throughout the story. We also read a story about Captain Richard Etheridge and how he managed to save an entire ship and crew from a deadly hurricane, and then practiced making predictions, asking questions, and drawing conclusions about the story. This coming week, we will finish up Unit 2, do a concluding activity, and then play 2 review games. In grammar, the students continued to review adjectives. Just a heads up, the students will be taking their Chapter 2 grammar test on Wednesday.

7th Grade ~ Last week, the 7th graders wrote their Fall Impromptu piece and then uploaded it to Seesaw. We then spent the rest of the week reading chapters 7-10 of The Giver. On Thursday, we had our very own Ceremony of 12, where the students were able to select a job that they will journal about throughout the rest of the novel. It was a blast seeing the kids reactions to their jobs, and I cannot wait to read their journal responses! We will continue to read more of The Giver this coming week. In grammar, the students continued to review adjectives. Just a heads up, the students will be taking their Chapter 2 grammar test on Wednesday.

8th Grade ~ Last week, the 8th graders got list #5 for Latin/Greek roots, and took a quiz on Friday. I am pleased to see that quiz scores are starting to improve! They also wrote their Fall Impromptu piece and uploaded it to Seesaw. We then spent the rest of the week reading/discussing our second short story, "The Most Dangerous Game." On Thursday, the students did some comprehension questions about the story, and then had the opportunity to create their own dangerous game in a creative writing assignment on Friday. I cannot wait to read about their dangerous games this week :) On Wednesday, the students took their chapter 2 grammar test (and did very well on them!). This week in grammar, we will begin to review prepositions.


I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Enjoy the fall weather!


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