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  • Writer's pictureGrace Bertram

Week 28

Happy Monday!

Only 1 more day until it is officially spring! Yay! Believe it or not, some of the grass outside my apartment is starting to turn green! (And I'm going to ignore the fact that there's a chance for snow later this week...)

I hope you all had a restful weekend! Thank you to ALL of you for all the hard work and motivation that you provided for you child throughout 3rd quarter... especially the push to do well on the 3rd quarter book project. The projects all turned out so wonderful! I am very proud of the students and all the work they put forth on their projects. Only one more quarter to go!!

Also, just so you are aware, 6th and 7th graders will have the choice to do either a book talk OR book trailer for their 4th quarter reading project (both rubrics are already in their LA folders on Google Drive). We will be signing up for presentations later this week. 8th grade will NOT be doing a project, but still must read a book and turn it in to me (with research projects, they have enough to do!).

Important Dates:

  • March 20th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

  • March 29th - April 8th - Easter Break!

  • April 10th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

Last Week:

6th Grade ~ Last week the 6th graders finished their 3rd quarter project presentations (thank goodness!). They turned in their Tic-Tac-Toe assignment for literature circles, as well as finishing their group book! The rest of the week, the students started working on their literature circle final projects (writing either a newspaper, timeline, diary, or alternate ending/chapter). The students will have M-W to work on those projects this week, and then present their projects Thursday and Friday. In grammar, the students continued working with helping verbs, adding inverted vs. natural word order.

7th Grade ~ Last week the 7th graders finished their 3rd quarter project presentations (thank goodness!). The rest of the week, the students and I worked hard to finish reading Crispin as well as a few other accompanying assignments (Seesaw exit ticket and comprehension questions). NOTE: instead of a final project, the 7th graders will be taking a comprehensive test on Crispin THIS THURSDAY! They will receive a study guide today and we will review all week in preparation for Thursday. In grammar, the students started working with helping verbs.

8th Grade ~ Last week the 8th graders finished their 3rd quarter project presentations (thank goodness!). The rest of the week we watched TBT movie and the students worked on their TBT final projects (artistic quote journal and letter to a future 8th grader - both due today!). This week, we will be finishing up TBT movie and then starting RESEARCH PAPERS! Be sure to check your emails for more information about that! There was no grammar last week.

Good luck ladies at Nationals this week/weekend!

Have a wonderful week!!


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