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  • Writer's pictureGrace Bertram

Week 34

Happy Monday!

The only comments I really have this morning are: it's going to warm this week!! Woohoo!!

Also... PSA: This Friday is the spring musical, "The Sailor's Bible." Please consider coming out at 6:30 p.m. to support our 3rd-8th graders as they perform. All of the kids have worked extremely hard towards this musical and are proud of their work, as am I and Robin. The kids will be performing a dress rehearsal on Thursday from 1:00-2:00 p.m. if you want to come to that as well. Thank you parents for all of the support you have given your children in allowing them to participate!

And with that...

Important Dates:

  • May 4th - Spring musical @ 6:30 p.m. in the church

  • May 8th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

  • May 16th-24th - Book talks/trailers

  • May 18th - Race of Faith, Student Council election videos due, & Student Council dance

  • May 20th - Confirmation @ 1:00 p.m.

  • May 22nd - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

Last Week:

6th Grade ~ Last week, the 6th graders took at quiz over the first 7 chapters of The Cay. We then spent the rest of the week working with chapters 8-10. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the students worked in groups to draw a picture of what they felt the island looked like from the novel (pictures can be found on Seesaw). On Thursday, the groups then did a Gallery Walk, looking at the different groups' drawings and comparing/contrasting them to their own drawing. On Friday, the students worked on Genius Hour. Note: Genius Hour projects are to be completed and finished by this Friday (they will have time to work on their projects today and then the rest of the time is outside of class). In grammar, the students continued to work with direct objects and Pattern 2.

7th Grade ~ Last week, the 7th graders started presenting their informative speeches... And let me just say, they were THE BEST informative speeches I have ever seen! Usually the first speech is a little rough, but the students completely blew me out of the water, coming prepared and confident to present! I am very proud of them all! This week, we will begin discussing persuasive speeches and working on getting those organized. The students will begin presenting those speeches next week starting Tuesday! In grammar, the 7th graders took their Chapter 8 Test on PNA's.

8th Grade ~ Last week, the 8th graders continued to work on their rough drafts (and will continue this week as well). Note: completed rough drafts are due May 7th... THIS COMING MONDAY! Also, the students are going to begin memorizing their 8th grade graduation hymn "God Loves Me Dearly" starting this week. I will be quizzing the kids on Friday (with their roots quiz). In grammar, the 8th graders were introduced to a new pattern and direct objects.

Have a wonderful week!


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