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  • Writer's pictureGrace Bertram

Weeks 13 & 14

Happy Sunday!

I know I am sending this a day earlier than normal, but I was at school grading research papers and needed a break, haha. Also, know that there will be NO blog post for next week because of a short week this week. Therefore, I am combining the next 2 weeks into this one!

Also, it was wonderful to see some of you at the Veteran's Day assembly. It is such a great opportunity for our students to be able to honor those who have fought for our country. Ms. Shields always puts together a great afternoon. It was also nice to hear some of the students present their "What It Means to be an American" projects.

Important Dates:

  • November 20th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

  • November 21-25th - No school - Thanksgiving Break!

  • November 29th - Yearbook photo - all students wear a white shirt!

  • December 3-7th - CANDY CANE SALES!!

  • December 6th - Student Council Target shopping trip after school

Last Week AND This Week:

6th Grade ~ Last week, the 6th graders finished up with their DGDP character drawings and then presented them to the class. Note: there was NO Monday Mediation last week. Throughout the week, the students and I read chapters 8-11 of DGDP, and did some accompanying activities: journal prompts 8 & 9/10 as well as discussing cause and effect. On Tuesday, the students took a short quiz over chapters 1-8 of DGDP and did very well! They also handed in their 2nd Reading Strategies packet on Wednesday, and got their 3rd one as well. In grammar, the students worked with helping verbs some more, as well as discussing the difference between a natural and an inverted word order sentence; they also did a worksheet. THIS WEEK, the students will do a Thanksgiving themed Monday Meditation, read chapter 12 of DGDP, do a quick exit slip on Seesaw over what they read in chapter 12, and then do a fun activity about DGDP and Thanksgiving (yes, they are combined, haha).

7th Grade ~ Last week, the 7th graders spent a vast majority of the week working on their utopia projects. There were a few things interspersed here and there, but a lot of time was spent getting those projects all ready to go for presentations starting Friday. The students did get a Monday Meditation last week as well. In Shurley grammar, the students discussed helping verbs and did a worksheet. In advanced grammar, the students discussed the 4 types of sentences, as well as the difference between a simple and a compound sentence; they also did a worksheet. THIS WEEK, the 7th graders will finish presenting their utopia projects.

8th Grade ~ Last week, the 8th graders started handing in their research papers!! And may I just say that these are definitely some of the best research papers I've ever had. I am VERY proud of how hard the students have been working on these and it definitely has paid off for many :) To conclude our Exceptionalities Research Unit, I showed the students one of my favorite Disney movies, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" - what a better way to close the unit than discussing a person born with an exceptionality and how he had to overcome it to thrive and be happy. The students also received list 10 of their Latin/Greek roots and took a quiz Friday. On Friday, I introduced the students to The Book Thief (TBT), explaining my expectations for the unit. I also explained to them their first "project" for TBT, which will require them to research a significant event/person of WWII, and then present their findings to the class. So much of TBT explains how these events effect the characters, but does not go in-depth of what the event actually is. Therefore, I like to provide the students with that background knowledge before they start reading. I also did send home a permission slip to read the book on Friday. Please sign this and have your child return it to me no later than Tuesday. THIS WEEK, the 8th graders will work on those WWII presentations - presentations will start when we get back from Thanksgiving break. Also, the students will be getting a Latin/Greek roots list this week, but will NOT be tested on it; we will just practice with the roots as a class.

If I do not hear from or see any of you this week, have a blessed Thanksgiving! Safe travels to all who are traveling!! The weather looks like it is supposed to be good!

God's blessings on your week!


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