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  • Writer's pictureGrace Bertram

Week 23

Good morning!

Well, the weather is definitely different than the last time I sent out a blog post, haha. All that beautiful snow we got is practically gone and it feels like shorts weather! I'm pretty sure I even saw buds on a tree this morning while walking Daisy... what?! Hopefully you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend and spend some time outside! AND, the groundhog didn't see his shadow, so early spring here we come! :P

I think my only big announcement is that our 2nd Box Top collection starts next week on Monday! Please make sure to be checking expiration dates before sending them in. We cannot use expired box tops unfortunately, and you checking saves us Student Council members a lot of time during our clipping party. That being said, if you have them at home, send them in next week any time Monday through Thursday! Homeroom with the most gets a pizza party!

Important Dates:

  • February 11-14th - Box Top Collection

  • February 12th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

  • February 14th - Box Top clipping party (after school; for SC members only)

  • February 15th - No school!

  • February 18th - No school!

  • February 26th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

Last Week:

6th Grade ~ Last week, the 6th graders finished their Literature Circle books, and then I explained their final project for the books. These projects will require the students to work together to create a 2 part project. The first part is a written component where each student will compose 4 paragraphs about their book. The second part is in a book talk format where the students will discuss their book for their classmates. These projects will be due next Monday, February 11th. There was no grammar last week due to ALL the days we had off.

7th Grade ~ Last week, the 7th graders worked on a short project for me having to do with the first chapter of The Outsiders. For this project, the students had to come up with 15 things they consider "tuff" (or cool in our lingo), and then explain why they think each item is "tuff". On Friday, they presented these projects to the class. There was no grammar last week due to ALL the days we had off.

8th Grade ~ Last week, the 8th graders read Part 6 of The Book Thief. I really appreciated the responsibility the students took to accomplish the bigger reading that was assigned during their days off. It allowed us to stay on track and not fall behind. NOTE: I did just want to let you know that we will be discussing the Holocaust this week. It is a heavier topic and I do try and explain the topic for the students in depth so that when we go to Washington D.C. in the spring, they fully appreciate the Holocaust Museum. It is not a topic that is easy to discuss or hear about, but it is something that I have studied very intensely and am passionate about, and I feel that the students should understand just how terrible it was. Furthermore, if you hear your child talking about it later this week, that is why. There was no grammar last week due to ALL the days we had off.

Enjoy your week!


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