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  • Writer's pictureGrace Bertram

Week 29

Happy Monday!

Wowza! Life is crazy right now! With projects and projects and more projects, Fine Arts Night on Thursday, and then Grandparents' Day and the end of the quarter on Friday... boy am I excited for the week to be over :)

It was fun seeing many of you at the Beyond Bold Gala on Saturday. Thank you to all of you for always being so supportive of our school and helping make it a success. Your donations are truly appreciate. So, thank you from the bottom of my and all the rest of the staff's heart.

Also, please be checking Seesaw for MANY updates on projects, rubrics, activities, etc. It's been such a blast watching the kids work on their projects and then present them. I have been SO impressed! Definitely some of the best projects I've ever seen!

Important Dates:

March 19th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.

March 21st - Fine Arts Night

March 22nd - Grandparents Day/End of 3rd Quarter/Early Dismissal

Last Week:

6th Grade ~ Last week, the 6th graders did not have a Monday Meditation because of the beginning of 3rd Quarter book presentations; we will finish up the book presentations this week. The rest of the week was spent working on decade projects with their partners/small groups. We began to present those projects today and so far, they have been SO awesome! So much of this project is using their own creativity and ideas to represent information they learned, and these students definitely came through! Later this week I will be posting video clips of each project presentation on Seesaw, so stay tuned! In grammar, the students continued to work with pattern 1/2/3 and did a worksheet. NOTE: the 6th graders will be taking a grammar test on chapter 12 THIS Wednesday!

7th Grade ~ Last week, the 7th graders did not have a Monday Meditation because of the beginning of 3rd Quarter book presentations; we will finish up the book presentations this week. On Monday, I explained to the students their The Outsiders final project. For this project, the students were to pick a character from the novel and find different characteristics to describe them using the STEAL method (speak, thoughts, effects on others, actions, and language). Then, the students used these characteristics to write a short biography about the character. The final step of the project was to create 4 different FUNKO Pop people for 4 characters in the book. Today, after turning in their projects, the students walked around the room and looked at the different finished products. It was fun to see all the different views of the characters from the book! There was no grammar last week because of the Knowledge Bowl at LWLHS.

8th Grade ~ Last week, the 8th graders started presenting their 3rd Quarter book projects; we will finish up the presentations this week. There also wasn't a Latin/Greek roots list last week because of presentations. On Monday and Tuesday, I showed an Edgar Allan Poe documentary to the students as an introduction to our Poe unit. We discussed the documentary as a class, and then we read our first Poe writing, "The Raven." I had the students read it 3 different times to get 3 different impressions on the story. While many of the students did not particularly like "The Raven", we did discuss how so much of this poem is built around Poe's life and explains a great deal about who he was as a person and why he wrote the way he did. This week, we will start reading "The Masque of the Red Death." There was no grammar last week because of the Knowledge Bowl at LWLHS.

Now that this is the 2nd time I've written this blog (it deleted on me after being fully completed), I will wish you a happy Monday, a late Saint Patrick's Day to my lucky Irish friends, and a great week!


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