I don't think I've EVER sent out a blog-post on a Thursday... thank you small down time between conferences!
And speaking of conferences... THANK YOU SO MUCH for supporting your child throughout these first ever Student-Led Conferences. They are running very smoothly and I hope that you as the parents are seeing the reason why we chose to use this format this year instead of the old parent-teacher conferences. I have loved watching the students talking about themselves because, in reality, who knows themself better than THEMSELF! Yes, there may be some quirks here and there that we'll fix in the next year, but I think it has been an immense success! It has been fun seeing the students' creativity and hear both their goals for themselves, but also YOUR goals for them. Also, I do believe that Mrs. Walker will be sending out a survey about YOUR opinion in the weeks to come. Be honest. We're looking for feedback and ways to improve these conferences in the future!
Important Dates:
November 1st - No school - Conferences
November 4-6th - Outdoor Ed for 7th grade
November 5th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.
November 12 - Veteran's Day assembly
THIS Week:
6th Grade ~ This week, the 6th graders had a spooky Monday Meditation to work on, which is due this coming Monday. As always, I look forward to reading their responses! On Monday, the students got their novel, Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie (DGDP), and did a previewing activity with the book. Tuesday and Wednesday we read the first 3 chapters of the book together. Today, the students worked with some text features and did their first set of comprehension questions for DGDP. In grammar, the 6th graders took their Chapter 5 test (and did FABULOUSLY!!); grades are in the grade-book and on Seesaw. NOTE: I did want you to know that for the next few weeks I will be having 2 pre-student teachers working with the students and teaching them during their class periods. These students come from Concordia and have been training exceptionally hard the last 4 years to become good teachers. I will be working with them and guiding them along the way throughout their teaching process, but have good faith that these lessons will go well :)
7th Grade ~ This week, the 7th graders had a spooky Monday Meditation to work on, which is due this coming Monday. As always, I look forward to reading their responses! On Monday, the students finished formatting and making final corrections on their Patriot's Pen Essays (these essays can be seen on Seesaw). We turned them in today so hopefully we have some winners! On Tuesday, I explained the final project for Among the Hidden. The students are making a movie poster for the novel as if it were an actual movie. These posters are due NEXT Friday, and the students have had all week to work on them; many are already finished! In Shurley grammar, the 7th graders took their Chapter 4 Test. In advanced grammar, the students worked on their study guide for their Unit 1 Test which will be NEXT Thursday.
8th Grade ~ This week, the 8th graders did not have Latin/Greek roots because I wanted to give them as much time as possible to work on their rough drafts for their research papers. NOTE: completed rough drafts are due MONDAY morning when they get to school. Based on how they were working this week in class, it looks like most students are close to being done with their rough drafts already, and only have a few finishing touches to make on them. FINAL DRAFTS, will be due either November 6th (10 extra credit points), November 11th (5 extra credit points), or November 15th. This coming week, we will peer-edit, do a works cited page, create a title page, and make final corrections. In grammar, we reviewed adverbs and did a worksheet.
Thank you again for attending conferences (and if you haven't yet, will be attending :))! While it is an exhausting time, I love seeing all out families around the school and finding time to catch up :) Enjoy your long weekend with the kiddos!
God's blessings,