Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a great weekend - restful, relaxing, and time for family. :) I don't have any special announcements, so let's get right to it!
Important Dates:
September 17th - Student Council meeting @ 7:05 a.m.
September 25th - School pictures
September 27th - Mid-quarter/Book orders due
Last Week:
6th Grade ~ Last week, the 6th graders had a Monday Meditation which was due today. I have not read them yet, but based on what their previous responses were, I am very excited! On Tuesday, the students and I spent our last day talking about Author's Purpose by looking through book orders and assigning certain books to different purposes. (NOTE: thank you to those who have voluntarily and without asking chosen to bring in pies for the classes. It's been fun eating them with the kids :) The rest of the week, the students and I talked about drawing conclusions and practiced with the skill by reading a short story about opera. In grammar, the students reviewed prepositions and prepositional phrases and did a worksheet.
7th Grade ~ Last week the 7th graders did NOT have a Monday Meditation because of MAP testing. Monday and Tuesday, we continued talking about what would happen when/if the world becomes overpopulated and how to be good stewards of the planet. The students then looked at and discussed 2 articles having to do with the old law in China where the citizens were only allowed to have 1 child; this directly relates to our book Among the Hidden. On Thursday and Friday, the students and I started reading our book Among the Hidden, as well as completing the first journal prompt. In Shurley grammar, the students continued to work with adj/adv and did a worksheet. In Advanced grammar, the students learned about compound subjects and predicates and did a worksheet.
8th Grade ~ Last week, the 8th graders worked with list #3 of Latin/Greek roots and took their quiz on Friday. On Monday, I taught the students how to make a title page and bibliography page for their WIAN essay, and then the students had the rest of the week to work on those. We also started proofreading essays on Friday. NOTE: final drafts for the WIAN essay will be THIS Wednesday, September 18th - the rubric can be found in your student's LA folder in Google Drive. In grammar, we finished reviewing last year's material.
Have a great week!